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We’ve created this site so Menzies employees around the world can keep up-to-date with Menzies news. If you’re not a Menzies employee, please visit us at menziesaviation.com.
The Coronavirus pandemic has led to big changes at work and at home. Staying in touch is a real challenge for us when we have a team spread far and wide: some still operating in stations, some working at home and many away from the business for now. We’ve created WeAreMenzies.com to help.
Latest News
Copa Airlines launches in Mexico City
12th October
Another day, another exciting start up in Mexico!...
Training the trainers in Côte d’Ivoire
12th October
Craig Austin-Greenwood, Digital Learning Manager recently visited Abidjan to facilitate workshops with the local NAS training team....
Fly Jinnah lands in Karachi
12th October
The Menzies-RAS team handled the touchdown of the first Fly Jinnah aircraft at Karachi International Airport....
MORSE Week #2 gets started
10th October
MORSE Week is back! Colleagues across our global network will be taking part in activities each day that align with our industry leading safety &...
100 homes for Pakistan flood victims
7th October
Menzies and SPARS Group have partnered to build 100 homes in Pakistan following the devastating flooding that has impacted millions of people over recent months....
Countdown to MORSE Week #2
3rd October
With only a week until MORSE Week #2 starts here’s what to expect and how you can get involved....
September MORSE Forum
3rd October
Yogesh Parekh shares his top takeaways from the September MORSE Forum....
The cargo warehouse of the future
28th September
Robert Fordree, our EVP World Cargo Services, shares his thoughts on the future of cargo handling facilities in Air Cargo News....