News archive

MORSE Challenge

Take on the MORSE Challenge and Unlock the Code!

30th June

Test your knowledge in our four new MORSE Challenge – Unlock the Code (UTC) quizzes....

Welcome to World Wellbeing Week 2022

27th June

In World Wellbeing Week and it’s a great opportunity to pause, think about your wellbeing, and get involved with our wellbeing-boosting activities....
Ukraine website

Careers website for Ukrainian refugees in the UK

24th June

Our partners at eArcu have developed a website to sit alongside our careers site, to support Ukrainian refugees looking to secure work....
UTC winners

Congratulations Q1 Unlock the Code Winners!

23rd June

The colleagues who topped the leaderboards for each geographical region won £50 each, a total of £600!...

Current vacancies

17th June

All the latest roles....

Interns up and running

16th June

Earlier this year, we welcomed three interns who have joined Menzies for six months, to support the business in the finance, GSE, and risk teams....
Prize draw

We Are Menzies Awards raffle winners

16th June

Congratulations to the winners of the We Are Menzies Awards raffle....
Charles receiving an award

Excellence in Air Cargo Award

8th June

Congratulations to the cargo team who were winners in the STAT Times International Awards for Excellence in Air Cargo, taking home the prize for International...
Anna and Buppa

Pooch perfect

7th June

Anna Thompson from Edinburgh came to the rescue of a passenger headed home for a family emergency after he was told that his dog wouldn't...

Latest vacancies

2nd June

Check out our current vacancies....
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