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We’ve created this site so Menzies employees around the world can keep up-to-date with Menzies news. If you’re not a Menzies employee, please visit us at menziesaviation.com.
The Coronavirus pandemic has led to big changes at work and at home. Staying in touch is a real challenge for us when we have a team spread far and wide: some still operating in stations, some working at home and many away from the business for now. We’ve created WeAreMenzies.com to help.
Latest News
We Are Menzies Awards, Customer Focus global winner: Lauren Gleeson
18th May
Congratulations to Lauren Gleeson, our global winner for Customer Focus for showing care and going the extra mile for our customers’ airline crew when they...
We Are Menzies Awards, Integrity global winner: Kelly-Anne Scott
16th May
Congratulations to Kelly-Anne Scott, winner of the Integrity Award for spotting and reporting suspicious cargo leading to the confiscation of undeclared products....
We Are Menzies Awards, Employee of the Year and Safety & Security winner: Edgar Cruz
12th May
Congratulations to Edgar Cruz, the winner of the global Safety & Security award and also our Employee of the Year for his commitment to safety....
We Are Menzies Awards, Teamwork global winner: Andrew Chin
12th May
Congratulations to Andrew Chin, from Orlando for winning the Teamwork award for his commitment to going the extra mile for his teammates....
We Are Menzies Awards, Agility global winner: Selmy Celis
12th May
Congratulations Selmy Celis for winning the Agility award for making quick decisions to avoid cancelled flights....
Charlotte celebrates long-serving team members
5th May
Mervyn Walker visited Charlotte to present long service awards during MORSE Week....