Wellbeing Hub - Romania
We know that times are particularly hard at the moment, whether it is worrying about our mental and physical health, new routines or worrying about our loved ones. It is natural that these changes and concerns could have an impact on our wellbeing. So now, more than ever, it is important that we look after ourselves and each other and this hub is designed to help you do that.
Simply follow the links under each wellbeing focus area to find out more and how to access resources.
Please note that is really important that you contact a medical professional if you require additional help & support.
Mental & Emotional Wellbeing is the way we think, the way we feel and how we deal with everyday stresses in life. It is really important to remember that good mental health doesn’t mean we feel happy all of the time. It is when we are finding things in life difficult to cope with that we may need to ask for help. Mental health issues can arise for ANYONE at ANYTIME and if you are struggling your first port of call should always be a medical professional.
Please click on the checklist below for more information:
Physical Wellbeing means our body is working at it’s physical best – this is different for all of us but we know that staying active, eating healthily and taking care of our body is critical to our overall wellness.
Please click on the checklist below for more information:
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Sadly, we know that there has been an increase in wellbeing challenges throughout 2020 and 2021. There are many fantastic online resources that provide support and guidance to assist in dealing with these. We have identified some of the most common challenges and found some great guidance and advice from some of the top wellbeing charities and Heath providers to support you and your colleagues.
Please click on the below for information on the most common wellbeing challenges:
We provide Medical Health support from our local medical provider Med Life, our HR and management team will keep you up to date with services offered.
Mental wellbeing
Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection: https://msmps.gov.md/comunicare/comunicate/suport-in-reabilitarea-fizica-si-psihologica-dupa-covid-19-incepe-campania-de-informare-si-sustinere-a-persoanelor-in-perioada-de-recuperare/ Telverde: 022 721 010 / 0 80071010
Healthcare providers
Med Life: www.medlife.ro
Regina Maria: https://www.reginamaria.ro/monitorizare-post-covid-19
Medicover : https://www.medicover.ro/
Areas they cover: life under siege by viruses, anxiety and depression, stress during a pandemic
Financial wellbeing
These resources will provide you with guidance and practical advice for managing your money and facing financial worries
National Employment Agency: www.anofm.ro
The National Employment Agency implements the policies and strategies on employment and vocational training of jobseekers, developed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Justice.
We have an Insurance/ financial support from our local provider Generali Romania Asigurare Reasigurare SA . They are providing us life insurance in case of any kind of accident. Employees benefit from an individual insurance policy, within the company, coverage 24 hours a day, for the following risks: hospitalization for any reason; fractures and burns; medical leave temporary incapacity for work from any kind of accident; medical expenses from the accident; surgery for any reason; permanent disability for any reason; death from any cause.
www.generali.ro; Generali Asigurari key account is Alexandra Neagu: alexandra.neagu@willistowerswatson.com, phone: 0040-746-171-092
BCR ( https://www.bcr.ro/ro/persoane-fizice ), ING Bank (https://ing.ro/persoane-fizice) . These banks are providing financial education through various methods: news, articles, webinars, etc.
The online platform www.lucrezidinnou.ro : comes to support those who lost their jobs during the pandemic period. This platform was made by Coca Cola HBS Romania in partnership with The Social Incubator.
Physical wellbeing
Looking after your physical wellbeing and staying active is crucial for maintaining good health and overall wellness. These websites provide lots of advice and tips on health and fitness for everyone
Ministry of Health: http://www.ms.ro/coronavirus-covid-19/ ; - the same wellbeing guide ( is for mental and physical wellbeing support) Phone: 0800-800-358;
National Institute of Public Health: on their website they are providing valuable info about mental and physical wellbeing support, recommended behaviours in pandemic context. http://www.cnscbt.ro/index.php/informatii-pentru-populatie
Healthcare providers
Med Life: www.medlife.ro
Regina Maria: https://www.reginamaria.ro/monitorizare-post-covid-19
Medicover : https://www.medicover.ro/
Areas they would cover are by providing a healthy eating model, what can we do in the current context and help for parents.
Do something for yourself: it’s important to do things that make you happy. You could learn something new, spend time on your favourite hobby or just relax.
Try a new hobby, set yourself a goal or learn a new skill: this can be a great way to meet people, build your self-esteem and feel a sense of achievement.
Stop bad habits: stop smoking, cut down on alcohol and caffeine. Small changes can have a positive effect on your mood.
Talk to family and friends (online, by phone or in person). Talking to someone you about how you feel, or listening to someone else, can help stop you from feeling lonely and improve your mental health.
Spend time with other people. Even if you are feeling low or anxious, engaging with others is good for your mental health.
Take time to notice your thoughts and feelings, and the world around you. Being ‘in the present’ can help you get a better perspective.
Notice unhelpful or negative thoughts: sometimes our thoughts and behaviours can make a situation worse. If you can change the way you think about a situation (sometimes called ‘reframing’) you can improve your mental health and wellbeing.
Keep active: regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and can help you concentrate, sleep and feel better. Exercise keeps the mind and body healthy and really helps improve wellbeing.
Ask for help. We all sometimes get tired or overwhelmed by how we feel or when things don’t go to plan. If you feel you can’t cope, ask for help. Your family or friends may be able to offer practical help or support.
To help you get a good night’s sleep, try not to use any screens (TV, mobile device) for two hours before you go to bed.
Social Wellbeing is a sense of belonging to a community and making a contribution to society. Being your true self at all times. Engaging with people and treating others with respect. Maintaining and building strong relationships.
Please click on the checklist below for more information:
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