We Are Menzies Awards, Ground Handling Station of the Year: Durban, South Africa

5 June 2024

Congratulations to the team in Durban, South Africa for winning the Ground Handling Station of the Year.

Menzies has been operating in Durban for 15 years and in 2024 they had their first ISAGO audit. The three-day audit completed by ISAGO auditors followed three months of planning and preparation. The ISAGO certification highlights the station’s commitment to safety, security and service quality and was made possible by the 400+ strong team working together across the operational and support divisions.

Zaheer Hassen, Durban Station Manager, described what the award means to the team, “Winning this award is important to both the management team and the wider team. For managers, it represents recognition of their contributions, efforts, and achievements and reinforces positive leadership behaviors and fosters a culture of excellence.

“For our teams, the award generates immense pride and motivation, encouraging them to maintain high standards. It inspires all of us to strive for even greater achievements, knowing our successes are celebrated. The award reflects our company's values and culture, reinforcing behaviors that align with our organizational goals.”

In 2024, the team has plans to streamline processes and optimise resource allocation to improve operational efficiency. Other goals for this year include improving employee engagement and retention as well as delivering high levels of customer satisfaction.

Pictured above (L-R) - Craig Goveia, Passenger Services Duty Manager; Zaheer Hassen, Durban Station Manager; and Greg Shadwell, Ramp Duty Manager