MORSE Week #1 wrap up

6 May 2024

We hold two MORSE Weeks every year to inspire, motivate and reinforce our positive safety culture. Our theme for our first MORSE Week in 2024 was 'See something, say something' to recognise unwanted behaviours before they lead to incidents and confidently apply the stop work authority.

It was great to see colleagues from all over the globe getting involved and as always, it was a busy week! Some locations got active with Zumba classes and football matches, some planted trees and we saw FOD walks and hazard hunts, and teams coming together to play The MORSE Challenge - Unlock the Code and share treats.

Here’s a wrap-up of MORSE week participation in numbers:

  • Hazard reporting increased an incredible 97% from the same period last year
  • More than 18,000 attempts to ‘Unlock the Code’ on our MORSE Challenge gamification platform
  • 2,600+ views of the MORSE week toolkits and resources.
  • Almost 700 reactions and replies on 150+ posts on the MORSE week Teams channel, showcasing the activities from our stations. The channel is accessible all year, check out the fab pictures and videos.

Thank you to everyone who got involved to make the week such a success - stay tuned for more details of what we have planned for MORSE Week #2!