Volleyball victory at Kannur anniversary celebrations

4 January 2024

🎂 To celebrate five years since Kannur International Airport Limited (CNN), India opened for commercial operations, airport employees, including a team from Menzies, recently took part in a jam-packed day of sporting and cultural activities.

Here’s how Team Menzies got involved:

🏐 Our team successfully scooped the top spot in the volleyball tournament, triumphing over the Kannur Airport team!
⚽ We were knocked out by the eventual winners in the quarter finals of a 16 team football tournament
🏏 Menzies employees teamed up with other airport staff working in CNN's Security Hold Area for a series of cricket matches.
🎤 Singing and dancing, as part of the airport’s cultural programme.

Congratulations to all those who took part in the celebrations, and to CNN for reaching such an important milestone!

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