Coming soon - Menzies GO Team

30 November 2023

Launching on 5 December, we’re recruiting a Menzies GO team to support other areas of the business with startups in new locations, growth in existing locations or operational change programs. There will be four regional Menzies GO Teams and a supporting group team. In addition to existing regional support, these teams will provide a global pool of talent to support our growth journey.

Members of the GO Team could be called upon at any time for a short term assignment within your region or across our global network. On assignment, you will meet new colleagues and experience new cultures. You will be sharing your knowledge in new working environments as well as seeing more of the world!

We’re looking for a team of individuals who are highly trained and experienced in their chosen area of work. As a minimum, you need one year of service with Menzies, and one year of experience in your current position.

Sound interesting? Look out for more details when applications open on 5 December!