MORSE Week #1 wrap up

19 May 2023

We hold two MORSE Weeks every year to inspire, motivate and reinforce our positive safety culture. This year’s theme is “Safe & Secure because we want to be”.

It was great to see colleagues from all over the globe getting involved, especially our NAS colleagues who joined MORSE Week for the first time. From town halls, FOD walks, golden rules jigsaw puzzles and hazard hunts, to visits from senior leaders and teams coming together to play The MORSE Challenge - Unlock the Code, plant trees and share treats. It was certainly a busy week!

Keep an eye out for more details on all our competition winners. In the meantime, here’s a wrap-up of MORSE week participation in numbers:

  • 53 video competition entries submitted from across every region to showcase the best examples of our top risks.
  • 40,576 attempts to ‘Unlock the Code’ on our MORSE Challenge gamification platform
  • 4,000 unique views of the MORSE week We Are Menzies pages and news articles.
  • 1,900 like and replies on 178 posts on the MORSE week Teams channel, showcasing the activities from our stations. The channel is accessible all year, check out the fab pictures and videos.
  • 914 hazards/near misses reported through the Swift app allowing us to Spot, Stop and Prevent the incident. A lucky winner will get an iPad sponsored by eco-online.
  • MORSE badges given out to people who are following the MORSE Code with passion and pride.

Thank you to everyone who got involved to make the week such a success – we’re already looking forward to MORSE Week #2 starting on 30 October!