Menzies Aviation joins the Tent Partnership for Refugees

20 June 2023

Europe has welcomed millions of refugees from Ukraine and around the world – and this World Refugee Day , we’re proud to be joining the effort.

The Tent Partnership for Refugees (Tent), is a global network of more than 300 companies committed to supporting the economic integration of refugees. Yesterday, at the first-ever Tent Partnership for Refugees European Business Summit, we announced a commitment to employ 150 Ukrainian refugee women and other refugees and help advance the economic integration of refugees in Europe.

This is the largest showing of business support for refugees on record, with over 40 companies stepping up to provide jobs and training opportunities to more than 250,000 refugees in Europe - and generating over $2 billion in income each year!

As well as hiring 150 refugees in Europe, we have set an overall goal of recruiting refugees equivalent to 1% of our global workforce over the next three years and providing training and support, including local language lessons, for all new refugee recruits.

Since the war in Ukraine, we have hired 20 Ukrainian refugees in Europe and, more recently, in Montreal, Canada. We took a proactive approach and reached out to Ukrainian aviation services companies to offer employment to people fleeing the country.

You can read about our partnership with Tent and the Tent European Business Summit.

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