Trees for Life on Earth Day

21 April 2023

We launched All In, our plan for a fair and sustainable future in 2021 and have been taking action to make a positive difference for people and the planet.

To mark Earth Day on Saturday 22 April, here’s an update on how we’re expanding our support for Trees for Life in 2023.

Trees for Life’s vision is to rewild the Scottish Highlands by saving and restoring the globally unique Caledonian Forest and all the wildlife it contains. Only 1% of the original extent of the forest remains. The charity aims to create a wild forested landscape from valley to mountain top, where wilderness and people thrive, through three key activities:

  • Bringing the wild, native forest back
  • Giving a helping hand to forest wildlife and reintroducing missing species
  • Inspiring communities and individuals of all ages and abilities to be involved in rewilding

Since planting its first tree, Trees for Life has planted nearly 1.5 million more with the help of over 5,000 volunteers.

We have already donated funding towards habitat protection and rewilding, and some of team will be visiting our grove later this year to get physical in supporting the rewilding efforts!

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