Taking a SMART approach to standards

22 March 2021

Every year business units throughout Menzies take part in a self-declaration to help identify any gaps against the ‘8 Pillars’. This year, for the first time, we’re using our award-winning SMART app to manage the process.

Managers assess their business unit’s compliance with minimum operating standards under each of the eight pillars. The pillars are: Risk, Corporate governance, People, Training, Property & infrastructure, Operations & service delivery, Finance and Planning as applicable.

Using the SMART app will make it easier to complete the declaration, which was previously managed using spreadsheets, and will also improve the quality of the data that is generated.

Head of Internal Audit Kerry Kane explains; “With more than 200 business units, the old declaration process was not easy to monitor. Using the SMART app will give teams more information, so we’ll  be able to identify and follow up on any areas for improvement and offer more support.”