Focus isn’t just nice to have it’s a must. Being distracted at the wrong time can lead to incidents, injuries and in some cases fatalities. Focused attention assists in learning, enables faster comprehension, improves memory, helps in focusing on a task, job or goal and enables you to ignore meaningless and irrelevant thoughts.
Why it matters?   
- Focus and concentration go hand in hand. The moment you lose focus, concentration goes out the window too.
- Focus and concentration demand discipline and discipline demands focus and concentration.
- If you can’t focus effectively, you can’t think effectively.
- Concentration problems can inhabit the ability to learn and remember information, causing people to feel frustrated with themselves and others.
- On average adults make 35,000 decisions a day, sometimes you need to stop and think to ensure you make the right decision.
Steps to take   
- Prioritise your tasks - It can be beneficial to not only create a to-do list, but to also rank each item by their level of importance.
- Exercise - Exercising regularly stimulates your brain and keeps it refreshed. Engaging in physical activity will also improve memory capacity and overall concentration.
- Reduce technology distractions – Keep devices out of sight unless you need them. There is no escaping the fact that smartphones, email and 24/7 access to the knowledge of the world have had a negative impact on our attention spans.
- Take breaks - Stop, step back and breathe deeply. Giving your mind time to recharge and relax can be greatly beneficial. If you’re stuck on a task, walking away for a short while can provide you with a fresh perspective.
- Get a good night's sleep – Sleeping at least 8 hours is a great way to make sure you’re in your best physical and mental state. Being sleepy causes you to slow down.
- Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even mild dehydration can make it harder to focus or remember information.
- Meditate – Meditation is known to be great for freeing your mind from clutter which will assist in improving your concentration and sharpen your attention to detail.
Further Reading
Better mind & focus - article
How to prioritise your tasks effectively
If you require further support, please visit or speak to your line manager or your HR representative.